Monday, September 29, 2008

Thoughts on insignificant things and some that aren't lol

So many of u may know that I usually have an opinion on things which I usually keep to myself but I'm going to share them now.

1: Why is it that things traveling by ship is called cargo but by car is called shipment?

2: How come when u finally open ur heart to feel it ends up being crushed?

Is it because the person ur opening ur heart for has not feelings and is insensitive or is it cuz u did something wrong to make him not open his? Everytime I open my heart and let someone in regardless of whether it is love or friendship I always end up getting hurt. Friends leave you the minute a new flavor comes around and guys hurt u cuz they can. It is fun for them.

3: Why are some peoples lives easier than others and why do some people always have trials?

I know that God said He would never give us more than we can handle but He is pushing me to my limit. I don't know what I ever did to make him think I could handle so much. Cuz I can't.

4: So are zebras white with black stripes or black with white stripes?

5: How wood can a wood chuck chuck?

6: Do ghosts really exist?

I believe they do there is so much real evidence out there for proof of their exhistance but all the fuckos who put out fake evidence intensify non believers non beliefs. lol. Also people are too afraid of the unknown to reasonably consider the possibility that people who have died haven't moved on and are still clinging to some form of life on this earth. Whether it is to get their story heard or to look after a loved one. If people have the capability to believe in angels and demons why not ghosts?

7: When life seems to hard to stand there is always someone there willing and ready to push u down. Fuck those people!!

8: Why is it that when ur trying to get ur life back on path obstacles are thrown in ur way that make you stumble?

U would think that when u've asked for help to change ur way that God would be there to give u strength but instead he just sits back and doesn't help at all. Allowing the devil to push u down and stop ur progress. Does He get a kick out of watching people fall? Does He say to himself and others around Him how far can she fall?

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